Greetings In The Name Of Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ, Bishop and Evangelist Fears along with the Evangelical Outreach Family, would like to take this time too inform you, of how the Lord has truly given us favor with the people, and increasing our Faith in what He is capable of doing both Naturally, and Spiritually.
We are truly learning the meaning of “The King’s Heart Is In His Hand To Do With As He Will.” The Vision that God has given Bishop Fears of reaching outside the Walls, and ministering to the needs of the masses are beginning to unfold. The Lord has touched the Heart of the City Of Memphis to give Evangelical Outreach Christian Community Center five pieces of land and a house, Mr. Robert McNeese has given us a house on the same stretch of land. Yes I did say given, free of charge, no strings attached, and deeds in hand. There is only five more pieces of land that is needed, and the Lord would have blest us to own a city block in Memphis, TN., which will be almost two acres of land. The Lord truly is enlarging our territory!!! I just would like to let you know that this is the street perpendicular to the street, which we already have two lots adjacent to the building that we currently occupy.
The Church and a Christian Community Center will be erected on the almost two acres, which will house a Daycare, Food Pantry, Clothing Closet, Chapel, Gymnasium, Full Kitchen, with Classrooms for Computer and GED classes. The land adjacent to the building we currently occupy will be the men and women’s shelter named by God as the “Safe Haven House”.
We praise God for we see ourselves as Gideon not with a lot of people shall it be accomplished, but with the few that can see, and is dedicated to the Vision that God has given us in this Task.
This is your opportunity to partake, and be a blessing to our Ministry. We know that it is God that moves on the hearts, and minds of His people. Let God speak to you concerning the amount that He would like for you to give, and we believe that God will blest you to be generous in your giving. As the scripture says He blesses a cheerful giver. No donation is to great, and all is tax deductible. All donations should be mailed to Evangelical Outreach Christian Community Center, 1134 Nelson Dr., Brighton, TN, 38011.
May the Lord God richly bless and keep you.
Bishop Edward Fears, Jr.