Evangelical Outreach Ministries Inc.
All The Way From Tipton County To Smokey City
We are praising God for the new edifice that the Lord has blest us to obtain at 710 Hastings in Memphis, TN.. Our first service in this building was June 3, 2007. We have the mission of not only taking the Word to a lost world, but also caring for the needy, and downtrodden. The Lord has placed us right in the middle of this type of community with souls in need of a Savior. We are making Haste.
The Lord has moved us all the way from Tipton County to a community named Smokey City in Memphis, TN., that we might be able to minister and see the mighty works that He alone is able to perform on His souls. We pattern our daily duties after the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Although we are small in number, we are very enthusiastic about reaching out to the troubled, needy, and the lost. We are committed to reaching out to the people who are not in the church, that they might be educated about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, so that they can become mature disciples and role models to others. We see the mighty hand of God moving in just the short period of time that we have been here.
The Lord has just blest us to purchase the land right next to the building that we are currently in. In the month of December 2007, we paid for it in full. Look what the Lord has done. Our goal is to build a new church, and a community center. The Lord has established us in this community. The second lot was purchased in March 2009 paid for in full. Now God is allowing us to prepare to build. The Lord has placed us here for the building of His Kingdom. There are many souls in this community that are in need of the Word of God. We are now planted, and have become seed for the Lord. We know that the Lord is looking for a harvest. Not only have we become seed, but we are also the laborers, because the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few.
The plan and goal for this edifice that the Lord is allowing us to build is to plant the word, plant the church, nourish the soul and to harvest the fruit of our labor by helping others to receive salvation through Jesus Christ.
We want to help people attain the trust in the Lord through our ministry. This is just what the Lord is allowing us to do. Bishop & Evangelist Fears has been given favor by God to minister in street meetings, revivals in and out of Memphis, and the Lord is saving whole families, delivering and setting free. We have been blest too, as we see the mighty move of God.
Through God, prayer, and the hard work, dedication, and the motivation of Evangelical and along with our pastor, Bishop Edward Fears Jr., we shall accomplish these goals.
PRAISE BE TO GOD !!!! All The Way From Tipton County To Smokey City in Memphis, TN..